Terms of Website Use

Last updated 02/07/2019

These Terms of Use are entered into by and between you and Innate Health Integrative and Internal Medicine LLC and Dr. Mausumee Hussain, MD, MS (collectively “Innate Health”, “we” or “us”).

The Terms of Use govern your access to and use of the Innate Health’s website, www.InnateHealthMD.com (the “Site”), including any content, functionality, and services offered on or through the Site.

All of the information available to you on this Site, including written information as well as images (photographs, drawings or other artwork), is referred to collectively as the Site's "Content."

Innate Health’s website Privacy Policy is also part of the Terms of Use and may be viewed by clicking on the link.

How You May Use the Site.

Innate Health operates this Site for your convenience to provide information about the services and resources Innate Health offers. By accessing and using this Site, you agree to all of the terms and conditions, as well as any additional terms and conditions that might be applicable to a specific area of this Site.

You may use this Site only for lawful purposes.

You may use the Content available on this Site only for your personal, non-commercial purposes unless special terms and conditions are set forth relating to any particular Content. Innate Health reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions of use at any time without giving you prior notice. Your use of the Site following any change in these terms and conditions signifies your agreement to be bound by these terms and conditions as they may be modified. You are encouraged to review this agreement periodically to be apprised of any modifications.

Medical Disclaimer

Information on this Site is provided for educational purposes only. Innate Health does not give medical advice via this site and will not respond to patient-specific clinical questions posted on this site. Nothing stated or posted on this Site is intended to be and must not be taken as, the practice of medical or counseling care, and use of this Site shall not constitute the establishment of a doctor/patient or clinical relationship between any individual and any physician affiliated with this Site.

You should not rely on the information provided on this Site as a substitute or replacement for professional medical advice, diagnosis or any form of treatment. The use of information provided on this site is solely at your own risk. Any questions that you may have regarding the diagnosis, care or treatment of a medical condition or any products described in this site should be directed to your physician.

You should always consult with your physician or healthcare professional regarding any healthcare concerns, including before taking any medication, nutritional and herbal supplements or any other conventional, alternative or complementary treatments. It is important you understand that information or statements regarding dietary supplements on this Site have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration, and as such, these supplements are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Never disregard, avoid or delay obtaining professional medical advice because of something you may have read on this website. If you are seeking specific medical advice, please contact your physician or call 911 in the case of an emergency.

Disclaimer of Warranty

Innate Health provides the Site as is and without warranty of any kind, whether express or implied, including, but not limited to, any warranties of title, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement. In addition, Innate Health does not warrant that the Site, and the information available on the Site, will be accurate, complete, timely, uninterrupted, or free from viruses or other harmful characteristics.

Disclaimer of Liability

By using this Site you assume all of the risk and responsibility for your use. Neither Innate Health nor its employees, officers, directors, agents or affiliates will be liable to you for any reason in connection with or arising out of your use of the Site. In particular, and without limiting the scope of this provision, your use of the Site constitutes an agreement that neither Innate Health, nor any of its officers, directors, employees, or agents, will be liable to you for any direct, indirect, or consequential damages that may result from your use of the Site, your inability to use the Site, your reliance on any Content available through the Site, including, without limitation, Content available through third-party links; errors, omissions, interruptions of availability, loss or corruption of data, or damage to your computers or information systems.

Governing Law

Your use of the Site, and any matters, disputes or controversies that relate to or arise out of your use of the Site, shall be governed by the internal laws of the State of Kansas, without regard to choice of laws principles.

Third Parties

Any links on this Site to third-party websites are for your convenience only. If you use any links to third-party websites, you will be leaving the Site. Innate Health is not responsible for and does not monitor the content of any linked third-party websites. The fact that the Site may include links to any third-party websites does not imply any relationship, sponsorship, endorsement, promotion, recommendation or warranty by Innate Health of that third-party web site or any products, services or information available through such third-party web sites.

Your interactions with any third parties found through our Site, including payment and delivery of goods, terms, conditions, representations and warranties are solely between you and such third parties. You agree that Innate Health shall not be responsible or liable for any loss, damage or adverse event that arise as a result of such interactions and dealings.

Users are additionally bound by the Google Maps/Google Earth Additional Terms of Service (including the Google Privacy Policy).

Use of Patient Portal

Innate Health utilizes a secure and interactive patient portal system where appointments are scheduled, confidential communication may occur and medications and some lab results may be viewed. When you access the portal, you will be navigating to a third party website operated by MD-HQ. Please note that use of this portal is subject to a separate privacy policy specific to guarding protected health information and terms of service issued by MD-HQ, the portal provider. Please also note that communication within the portal may be incorporated into the medical record. This portal should not be used for emergency purposes.

By registering and using the patient portal you are responsible for all activities that occur under your password and account, whether by yourself or others. It is therefore your responsibility to keep your access and communication confidential including:

i) Safeguarding your login information* and not sharing your password for your portal account;

ii) Notifying us immediately of any unauthorized use of your account or any other breach of security;

iii) Accessing the portal only on private and secured devices that you have authority to use; and

iv) Logging off immediately after use.

Innate Health will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from your failure to keep your account information protected.

By registering on the patient portal, you assert that the information you provide is true, current and complete to the best of your knowledge. Specifically, you agree not to submit false information such as name, address and/or telephone number when registering on the patient portal. You additionally consent to receive periodic communication from Innate Health by email regarding your account.

*Please note that a $20 fee may be charged to retrieve lost login information.


The content on the Site is protected by United States copyright laws and may only be used as these terms permit. This means that you may not alter any of the content or reproduce the content into another form or medium without Innate Health’s written permission nor may you remove or alter the copyright notice on any content.


You are not authorized to copy or use the name Innate Health Integrative and Internal Medicine LLC, its logo, or any other trademark that may be found on or through the Site without the express written permission of the trademark owner.

Failure to Agree to These Terms of Use.

If you do not abide by these Terms of Use, we have the right to prevent you from accessing our Site. If any use of this Site causes harm or injury to others, you agree to defend Innate Health and hold Innate Health harmless against any liability that may relate to your actions.

Termination and/or suspension

Innate Health may cancel or terminate your right to access or use all or any part of the Site at any time without notice. You agree that breach of any of the terms in this Agreement may result in the immediate termination of your account and/or give rise to civil action against you. The disclaimers herein and all restrictions regarding information downloaded or obtained by you from the Site shall survive any cancellation or termination of your right to use the Site.


For further enquiries regarding the Terms of Use applicable to the Site, please contact Innate Health using the link below.